Paper on Integer Sequences
/I recently published a paper in the Journal of Integer Sequences titled An Improved Lower Bound on the Number of Ternary Squarefree Words.
Let \(s_n\) be the number of words consisting of the ternary alphabet consisting of the digits 0, 1, and 2 such that no subword (or factor) is a square (a word concatenated with itself, e.g., 11, 1212, or 102102). From computational evidence, \(s_n\) grows exponentially at a rate of about \(1.317277^n\). While known upper bounds are already relatively close to the conjectured rate, effective lower bounds are much more difficult to obtain. In this paper, we construct a 54-Brinkhuis 952-triple, which leads to an improved lower bound on the number of \(n\)-letter ternary squarefree words: \( 952^ \approx 1.1381531^n \).
M. Sollami, C. Douglas, M. Liebmann. An Improved Lower Bound on the Number of Ternary Squarefree Words. Journal of Integer Sequences. Vol. 19 (2016), Article 16.6.7